Smoking nicotine is our new fashion. You cannot deny this fact that the youngsters are now moreover getting fascinated by nicotine. Inspite of various rules, regulation and warning to a person who starts smoking have a hard time turning their head from nicotine. Smokers are mainly three types – social smokers, basic smokers and chain smokers. This post is not encouraging smoking or neither it under looks the fact that nicotine is harmful to your body and it lead you to cancer. Chain smokers are the selective group of people who cannot stay an hour without smoking nicotine. They are highly addicted and cannot think beyond nicotine. Consuming nicotine beyond starts controlling your body power and leaves you to a no good end.
Here come some exciting facts –
1. If I don’t get food it’s okay, I need a box cigarette no matter if the world goes round.
Chain smokers are more in need of cigarette than food as said they can spend few days without food but can’t imagine without cigarette.
2. Are you a smoker? I’m a smoker too, Friends?
This is the simplest rule followed by smokers in their friendship world. They always look forward to have their friends who smoke regularly.
3. Hey I had a single cigarette left in the box, where did it go?
No matter how many boxes of cigarette you have consumed, but that last cigarette is the most precious one for you, which always remains misplaced.
4.Places with smoking zone, are my favourites.
Chain smokers always keep searching for a smoking zone before going to a hotel, party or any function.
5.I spend half of my money buying mints and deo
Yes, this is the most upsetting point for chain smokers. They spend almost half of their pocket money buying mints and deo.
6. Bad breath
You have a bad breath due to regular smoking of nicotine. It’s really smells bad.
7. Always keep an emergency cigarette.
When you are out with friends, you are sure to experience the cigarette shortage. So to avoid crises you always keep an emergency cigarette with you.
8. If your non-smoking friends starts smoking
If you have a friend who had never smoked before and suddenly starts this practise, No matter how good you are, you will always be blames for his smoking practise.
9. Lecture from your non-smoking friend
Not only your parents but also your non-smoking friends seem to be your parent when they start giving judgemental lectures.
10. Start with a nap before the movie
“Consuming nicotine is harmful for your health, it may lead to cancer” trust me or not you will always try to avoid this advertisement before your movie starts or go for a short nap instead.
If you are one of the chain smokers, you will surely experience all theses 10 experience. Last but not the least; quit smoking it will lead to a healthy and happy life.