Ram Nath Kovind has replaced Pranab Mukherjee as India’s new President. He got a little competition from Smt. Meera Kumar, the candidate of Congress and other opposition parties; however, many people were of the opinion that Ram Nath Kovind would be the next President of India as he filed the nomination.
But do you have any idea what is the salary of our new President?
The Indian President’s Salary:
Well, let us tell you that the President Ram Nath Kovind’s annual package is of Rs. 18,00,000; however, the perks that the Indian President enjoys are greater than his salary. Moreover, his salary may increase further if PMO approves the new proposal of hike of Rs. 5,00,000.
Perks that the Indian President gets:
The Indian President lives in the largest presidential palace of the world which is known as Rashtrapati Bhawan. Its total area is 5 acres, covered area is 19,000 square metres and it is situated within the 330-acre estate in Central Delhi. The caravan of a President consists of 25 cars.
Let us also give you an overview of the salaries received by the Presidents of our neighbor countries:
Pakistani President’s Salary:
Manmoon Hussain is the current President of Pakistan and his monthly salary is 80,000 Pakistani Rupees which comes to Rs. 49,000 when converted in Indian currency. The total package of the Pakistani President comes to Rs. 5,87,737 in Indian currency.
Chinese President’s Salary:
Presently, the President of China is Xi Jinping and he also earns less than his Indian counterpart. His annual package is $22,000 which is Rs. 13 lakh in Indian currency.
The job of the Indian President must be hectic but at the same time, remuneration is good too! What do you think?