Surprisingly enough, this news will make you get goose bumps! How can a solid boiled egg be found inside the stomach of a human being? Well, here is a guy of 62 years inside whom doctors discovered an enormous ‘boiled egg’. According to DailyMail, doctors pressed his bladder, making him pee continuously.
This old man approached to the hospital with the complain of feeling continuous desire for urinating. He had been facing this problem for over 20 years. After investigating, doctors observed a ‘free-floating, smooth, firm and rubbery’ protuberance with surprising measurements, 7.5 cm in width and 10 cm long close to abdomen.
It looked exactly similar to an enormous egg in addition to its parts having ‘firm and rubbery’ texture which is the same as an egg that is hard-boiled. BUT it wasn’t any egg! This is known as peritoneal loose body and if we refer to a doctor involved in surgery for getting this removed, it’s the biggest sample of its kind in the history of medical science.
As far as this case in concerned, the lump collected on bladder’s top in pelvis because of which the man felt augmented occurrence of urine. Subsequent to its removal, rate of recurrence reduced and brought back to normal, says New England Journal of Medicine.