A Rajasthan High Court judge Mahesh Chandra Sharma has left Internet and social media users in splits. His latest statements about cows and peacock are going viral and probably we have never got to hear any such thing from the person of a higher dignity so far. He has asked state and central govt. to announce cow as the national animal of India because it’s the only animal which inhales as well as exhales oxygen. Not only this, there are many other benefits associated with cows and taking them into consideration, he has demanded life imprisonment for those who kill it.
He has presented another unique theory on Wednesday and as per him, peacocks don’t mate and peahens get pregnant after having the tears of peacocks. Here’s what he said,
“Peacock too has his qualities. He is a life-long celibate. He does not indulge in sex with peahen. The peahen gives birth after it gets impregnated with the tears of the peacock. A peacock or a peahen is then born… Lord Krishna used peacock’s feather for celibacy of the bird.”
Quite naturally, his statement about peacock is stirring controversy and netizens can’t stop trolling him for this. This is obviously something not acceptable and if you too ever thought this theory to be true, we have a video which will show you how peacocks actually mate and not through tears.
Another one:
Here’s how peacocks mate in reality:
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube
So now you know that peacocks also indulge in intercourse and they do it just like any other bird does it!