There is no denying the fact that our generation is the generation of technology. We are all the time engaged with our mobiles, laptops, tablets, PCs etc. At the same time, we can’t ignore the essential fact that we spend more time with our gadgets than our family, siblings and relatives.
Actually, we just can’t think of living without them and if for any reason, they are away from us even for an hour or so, we get restless as if there is no excitement or verve in life, nothing to do, no current in our body. In other words, they have become an inseparable part of our lives. Internet, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, chats, selfies, and many more have attracted us to a great extent that now fingers and thumbs speak instead of lips. Even our parents and friends get information about us by the status, post and photos we upload on these apps.
Below Ideal Indian has mentioned 16 such images which perfectly depict that our generation is the tech generation-