Without a passport, you just can’t get into another country; if you carefully notice other passports while standing in the queue, you’ll notice that different countries have different colored passports; however, the colors are restricted i.e. just 4 basic colors and today, you also got to know the reason behind the same.
Generally, they are black, blue, green or red, but the hues differ; yes, there is a great variation in the shades.
The main confusion is about India’s passport color. Since the time we have posted that article, some people are arguing that it is deep blue in color, while some are arguing that it’s black in color. Check out this debate on our article;
Basically, the confusion is about the regular passport in India, which falls under the “Type P” i.e. personal or ordinary one.
Even when we scrolled different websites, we found different information on each of them. Have a look at these different search results.
First, we found this image, which states that there are 3 kinds of Indian passports, blue, red and white. So according to this website, it’s blue.
Then, while browsing Quora, we came across a totally different story. According to a user, the personal passport in India comes in 2 colors i.e. navy blue and black. Check the screenshot;
Wikipedia, which is the most trusted source of information has confused us even more; it says that Indian passport is black in color.
After reading all three different results, I am sure you all must be very confused; many of you must have rushed to your drawers to check whether it’s black or blue, isn’t it? What is the exact color? Let us tell you as per the information available on the official website;
On the official website i.e. http://passportindia.gov.in, it is written,
“Ordinary Passport: An ordinary passport has blue cover, and consists of 36 or 60 pages. It is valid for 10 years from the date of issue and can be renewed for another 10 years. An Indian citizen can use this passport for ordinary vacation or business travel.”
Rather than trusting other sources, it’s better to trust the official one. The conclusion is that the personal passport of Indians is blue colored. The fact is that the color is deep blue and hence, many people confuse it as black. If you still have doubts, you can share your passport pics in our comments section below.