Use of elephants in the tourism sector has gained a lot of popularity. During vacations, many people visit Thailand and wish to ride an elephants, paint them or a maybe get a relaxing massage from them. Although these are fun activities for everyone, the truth behind this is HARSH and SHOCKING!
Yes, for the elephants, this experience is no less than a nightmare. Although they are considered to be docile and intelligent creatures, they can’t get over the torture. For interacting with humans, poor elephants have to go through a very cruel process i.e. “Crush”.
In this process, they are treated so brutally that they have no option but being submissive to the trainers. Often what happens is that, at the age of 3-6, baby elephants are taken away from their mothers and held captive. The main intention is breaking the spirit.
Then, they are tied with metal chains and are beaten with sharp metal tools. Moreover, no food is given to them. Then, bull hooks are used for slashing the skin and stabbing the head.
If you still don’t believe us, watch the video below;
Please change your mindset towards these creatures. Next time you go trekking, avoid elephant rides. Don’t use these animals for entertainment purpose. Don’t you feel like crying after watching the video? Do share your views in our comments section below!