In India even a humming bee is enough to make people loose their temper. Every other man is ready to kill the whole family of the one who offends him. Abuses are thrown at a speed faster than that of light and warnings? They just come as a complementary addition to the series of abuses.
Just imagine what will happen if you or me just walk around a park showing our Mid Finger to strangers all around us? Expectedly we’ll get bashed right from the word go! However, this guy dared to take all that on to get a prank video prepared for all of us.
He reaches out to people and shows them his middle finger in the most polite way possible. To his super hilarious action, people reacted in some uncanny fashion. While some stood bewildered at what was happening in front of them, some others were ready with their usual oral gun and fired abuses at him.
The prank just keeps getting better with the guy showing his Mid Finger to people from behind a door too! The reactions of every single person is simply priceless and will make you go crazy laughing!
Click here to watch this video directly on Youtube
Wasn’t that prank hilarious? Do let us know which was your favourite moment of the prank in our comments section below.