After a thrilling season of Bigg Boss, Manveer Gurjar has emerged as the winner after beating VJ Bani. He received the winner’s trophy and the winning amount of Rs. 40,00,000.
VJ Bani was expected to be the leader according to the polls declared earlier. Bani was the more popular face amongst the two as well and thus Manveer Gurjar’s victory is indeed a special one. Earlier, the other two finalists, Manu Punjabi and Lopamudra Raut had also been eliminated. The final battle was between VJ Bani and Manveer Gurjar.
It was Bani’s third reality show compared to Manveer’s first. However, Manveer emerged to be the winner defeating VJ Bani Comfortably. Bigg Boss had become more of a competition between two teams, with Bani representing the celebrities and Manveer representing the team of all Indiawale. This victory has thus signified a win for the whole team of Indiawale. That made the battle more pulsating and intriguing for everyone.
Bani, the winner of Roadies, was not liked very much inside the house because of her rude and straightforward nature. Manveer on the other hand was a calm head and played the game more tactically. Apart from being a favorite in the house, Manveer won the hearts of audience as well and emerged the champions upstaging more of an anti-climax.
We congratulate Manveer Gurjar for his victory and also wish Bani all the luck for her future endeavors!