Do you believe in after life ? Have you ever felt as if someone (who is dead now and had known you) is trying to communicate with you from the other side of this world ? Well, that’s not the question to ask for at this moment when moonlight is falling short at the corner of your room. Various ethnic groups in different religion believe in after life and the theory of spirits or what some people term it as energy.
These spirits or energies are believed to co-exist with our own world and sometimes, their existence in our lives can be felt at many times. So here, I will be discussing few ways through which we can figure out their existence around us.
Note – The following article has been written with proper research from the Internet and any of the point highlighted in this article has not been made-up by me.
1. An abrupt change in temperature around you.
We humans are warm-blooded animals (beings). We are conscious of the temperature change around us. However, spirits are believed to be a pure energy entities who when come closer to us, changes the temperature.
2. Sudden spike in Electro-Magnetic Fields.
This can also be tested with an example as simple as flickering of your light bulb. Since spirits have pure energies, they do emit a higher EM Wave radiations as compared to the rest of things around us. Hence, these waves are believed to either disrupt the existing EM waved or superimpose with them to give undesirable results.
3. Just a feeling of someone walking by the door of your room.
Now, this method can’t be accepted as a proven way to test the presence of spirit, but the precision of the result entirely depends upon how strong is your conscious and mind.
4. When things fall off or slightly SLIDES from their initial position.
Some people might just tag it as a gravitational pull. Spirits who tries to communicate to you always have a strong desire. The power or the will of their desire is the driving source for their TELEKENISIS. Telekinesis is the ability to move physical entities without using any physical force on them.
5. Repeated stopping of a clock at a specific hour or watching the exact same time out of nowhere every day.
Even if you change the clock with a new battery and clock still freezes at that specific time or your eyes always happen to see the clock at that specific time, then the spirit is definitely trying to tell you something regarding the things happened in that time zone.
6. Ask simple basic questions to him/her.
It is not necessary that you may hear the voice. Some people suggest the digital recording of the whole event and playing it back to hear it while some people suggest amplifying the frequency of the voice and removal of noises from the recording. Human ears have a tendency to hear in the range of 20-20,000 Hertz. These energies may communicate in higher frequencies because of their high energies.
7. Getting dreams and visions about a specific thing or topic.
In such circumstances, the spirit tries to talk to you in a more detailed manner. Showing you the glimpses that he/she wants to share with you.
8. Weird shapes and holograms in photographs shot by your camera.
Some people may also tag it with camera lens error, while some people believe it to be because of a specific reason. The presence of these energies and their radiations can alter in terms of frequencies which may fall under visible light region (430–770 THz) and hence are captured by digital cameras and their sensors.