This video by “Baba Sehgal” shows one of most common issues of today’s generation. We want to get rid of “fat” and get “fit”. The most common new year resolution of the whole earth may be – “I’ll loose some weight this year.” But do we really go to the Gym after the first day? No, we don’t.
The video just says all the truths on this topic. Why should we go the Gym when we can have bread-butter at that time. We first eat rajma and then some kinda smoke-bombs come out of of our body after some time. If we can go to office via office-cars, why use those public transports which make us sweat. And that pizza with extra-cheese just feels the most delicious thing in the whole universe. We don’t ever keep this new year resolution, right not? Better say, we can’t keep this resolution through out the year. The most delicious foods are always fatty. So f**k the resolution.
Why did god “Ram” make all the delicious foods fatty? Even “Rum” doesn’t let us to be fit. See the video below –