Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai is ruling the internet! It all started when someone posted the picture of a Rs. 10 with ‘Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai’ written on it. This phrase was perhaps written by a rejected lover who wanted the world to know about the unfaithful Sonam. The meme went viral and then it was soon forgotten. But with Modi’s demonetization move, looks like Sonam Gupta is back! People on the internet are having a good time in mocking the unknown woman.
Writing anything on the currency notes is considered illegal, but Sonam Gupta’s craze knows no limites. People are even written the phrase on the new Rs. 500-2000 notes that are introduced after banning the old Rs. 500-1000 notes. In these tough times when the entire nation is in a tensed state due to demonetization, Sonam Gupta is cheering people up. The Sonam Gupta memes are going viral on the internet, #SonamGupta is ruling the twitter.
Take a look at This Video Which Will Show You The Heights Of Craziness For “SONAM GUPTA BEWAFA HAI”
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube!
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