PM Narendra Modi’s demonetization is a surgical strike on the black money holders, the note ban has taken away the sleep of many corrupted people. By declaring the old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes as illegal tender, Modi has amputated the Pakistan-based terrorist groups and syndicates which are constantly trying to push the counterfeit currency notes into India.
Since Modi watered down their evil plans with the demonetization move. Their latest move is to produce identical high quality Rs. 100 notes and then pump it into the Indian markets.
The government’s move delivered a big blow to these Pakistan-based syndicates, so now these syndicates will produce counterfeited Rs. 100 and flood it into the country via Punjab, Nepal, and Bangladesh.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA), which investigates the terrorism activities and the cases related to FICN. It confirmed that Pakistan is the main source of printing high quality fake currency notes and then smuggling it in India. A NIA official said that Pakistan still has necessary equipment, printing machines and the paper to generate the fake Rs. 100 notes.
The equipment, printing machines, and paper to imitate the old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 note has now been left redundant due to demonetization. But Pakistan still has the system to imitate Rs 100 notes. Though these are of lower value, they will be used to their optimum capacity to destabilize our economy.
Demonetization has made the old Rs. 500-1000 notes invalid, people are standing in the long queues for hours to get the new Rs. 500-2000 notes. However, the new Rs. 2000 notes are causing a change problem, people are in dire need of the Rs. 100 notes. So if a big stock of counterfeited Rs 100 notes is pumped into the India economy, people will fall for it quickly.
Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI is the mastermind behind the counterfeit currency, the syndicate network mainly operates in Peshawar. Pakistan was pushing around Rs 70 crore in India every year.
The NIA also reported that the number of counterfeit notes of Rs 100 has increased in the last two years. In 2014-15, the RBI detected 1,81,799 number of fakes Rs 100 notes from the total of 15,026,000,000 in circulation of the same denomination. Whereas in 2015-15, the RBI detected 2,21,447 number of fake Rs 100 notes from the total of 15,778,000,000.
So guys, isn’t it sad? If they take such a step, it is surely going to weaken our economy. Do share your views in our comments section below…