How many times have we type casted people because of the way they dresses? A person walking down in a Patiala Salwar is a Punjabi, in Dhoti Gamcha a Bihari, A Hijab wearing lady is a Muslim and many more and we assassinated their character through that as well. I just wish we could have stopped here itself, a dress do not, I say do not describe your character.
This video will break all your pre-set notions and take you a bit above the socio-cultural sphere. When things turned nasty inside the elevator, you will be surprised to see what the girl in Hijab did. The video by UpMoments is in full support of love and tolerance irrespective of the cast, color, creed, sex and also how people dress.
Check the video out and learn to respect people for what they are not what they wear.
Please share with us what you felt! Its precious to us 🙂