Chetan Bhagat has always been a target of Twitter trolls. Whether he asks for book reviews, or whether he calls Twitter a graveyard filled with Bullies, Twitterati never spares him. Recently, his new book “One Indian Girl” was launched and he asked everyone to click this book with a beautiful background; he got massively trolled for the same.
Now, once again Chetan Bhagat took to Twitter; this time to express his opinion on the hot issue of demonetization. As expected, people started taking a dig at him! He must have thought that it is a serious issue and he will get appreciation for speaking on it, but no, he was wrong….
Have a look at his series of tweets!
Ordinary citizens are struggling!
While demonetization might be well-intentioned, the poor execution such as empty ATMs may lead to a lot of suffering for ordinary citizens.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
Execution is important!
To queue for several hours to find an empty ATM for Rs 2,000 of your own money is no fun. Execution of an idea as important as the idea.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
Incompatibility of notes, small limits, limited number of bank branches and the massive swapping required – did they run through scenarios?
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
They are asking proof!
All Indians being asked to prove they aren't criminals and their money is legitimate. Least u can do is not make them suffer while doing so.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
I love my country!
I love my country. I am all for cleaning up economy. I am for big ideas,like demonetization. However, I also think execution is important.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
Hope execution is fixed!
It will be sad if good idea to clean up economy becomes political negative for govt who did it. Will discourage. Hope execution fixed soon.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
Don’t use patriotism as an excuse!
Don't use patriotism as an excuse for bad operations research type planning. What's not going well has to be told, in national interest
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
These are worst sufferers!
People on twitter are digital savvy, comfortable with digital payments world. Most real sufferers of liquidity crunch not on social media.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
I am wondering!
Wonder why the size of the new notes was changed, taking them unusable in existing ATMs, esp when secrecy meant u couldn't modify ATMs.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
No need to justify!
Changed physical dimensions of notes made them incompatible with ATMs. No need to justify that mistake by saying stand in q for patriotism.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
This was the mistake!
This was the mistake. To make notes pretty, they changed around the size. Purple Gandhi ji looks nice, but alas don't fit in 2 lakh ATMs!
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
Something similar!
World War II Rationing Picture. Something similar, at a bank branch near you.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) November 12, 2016
As soon as he posted these, people started trolling him on Twitter! Here are their tweets…
Politics kab join kar rahe ho?
politics kab join kar rahe ho??? Party kon si hogi CONGRESS ya AAP
— सुधीर तिवारी (@imyash101) November 12, 2016
Can your old books be used as currencies?
can we use old copies of your books as currency?
— Biju Krishnan (@bijucyborg) November 12, 2016
Ganja kharidne ke liye paise nahi?
kya hua ganja kharidne ko khulle nahi h kya aaj jo itna ro rahe ho
— Vik (@vkspathak) November 12, 2016
Kitne paise doobe?
Bhai tere kitne paise doobe is demonetisation k chakkar mai Jo itna bhadak raha hai 😉
— JABRA FAN (@NageshKini2) November 12, 2016
Someone trolled him for books!
So guys what do you think? Do you agree with Chetan Bhagat? One thing can be said for sure that common man is suffering a lot, even though he doesn’t possess black money.