Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken the biggest move to defeat all the black money holders, this major step will check all the black money present in the country. Narendra Modi on Tuesday at 8 PM announced the demonetization of Rs 500 and 1000 currency notes, the 500-1000 notes became obsolete with effect from midnight.
With this move, these currency notes have become invalid now. They are just worthless piece of paper now, this is an assault on the black money and fake currency. This will also stop the rising corruption in the nation. The common people having the 500-1000 notes have nothing to worry, they can deposit the notes in their bank and post office accounts from November 10 till December 30.
A new series of Rs 2000 and Rs 500 currency notes would be circulated. Today the banks will remain closed to the public. Even the ATMs won’t be functioning on 9 & 10 November.