A woman in Kerala has alleged that she was gang-raped by four of her husband’s friends. She had to take back her complaint against the accused because of the mental torture and the humiliation by the police. On Thursday, the 32-year-old survivor told reporters, how the cops shamed her and humiliated her by asking her which of her rapists had given her the most pleasure.
This issue came into light after the popular dubbing artist Bhagyalakshmi shared the information on the Facebook. In which she wrote in Malayalam narrating the poor victim’s ordeal, how the policemen asked her insensitive and embarrassing questions in the name of investigation. One of the cops asked the gang-rape victim: “who among the rapists pleasured you the most”.
Bhagyalakshmi Facebook post has gone viral. When Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan came to know about the matter, he promised that strict action will be taken in the matter. The gang-rape victim woman and her husband appeared in public, their faces were covered to protect their identity. The woman narrated her traumatic experience. The woman said,
We were made to sit like dogs in the station for four days. As part of evidence collection, they took me around to public places and would ask me to explain how it happened. I was tortured mentally and decided to drop the case.
The woman decided to drop the case because cops were shaming her. She couldn’t take the threats from cops anymore. In the press conference, the woman revealed the names of her rapists. The four men were — P N Jayanthan, Bineesh, Shibu and Janeesh.
The four men were her husband’s friends. In 2014, they allegedly came to her house, told her that her husband had met with an accident, they asked her to come along with them. The woman went with them and was raped.
DGP Loknath Behra has registered complaints against the four men and promised that the woman will receive justice soon.
The political parties talk about woman empowerment, to support the independent woman, to give them the power and freedom to make their own choices! We talk about creating a new India. But incidents like this are a stain our nation’s character and honor.