We have all seen our elders advising young girls to learn all the household chores. According to them, it is very important for a girl to know each and every odd job. They feel it is the core responsibility of a girl to perform all these activities and look after their homes. However, the same does not apply to the young boys. Certainly, because as per the typical mentality men go to work and women must stay back home, isn’t that true?
But today things have changed, watch this young and beautiful mother teaching her son all the household tasks.
Nikkole Paulun, a mother two adorable children shared a post of her son doing some of the chores. She believes that household work isn’t just for women. she wants her son to be a productive member of society both outside the home and inside. You’ll be surprised to see this little boy work so efficiently, have a look:
Isn’t he so cute? All of us want our children to be capable of doing all these odd jobs apart from being literate. Nikkole’s touching post on her Facebook page broke the internet, this is what she shared:
However, there were some people who criticized her and shared some harsh comments. It is shocking to read what they had to say but Nikkole’s reply was bang on! Check this out:
How can you call it slavery? It is an example of good upbringing instead!
She has nailed it indeed! You’ll be amazed to see how people supported Nikkole and answered back to these disrespectful comments, check this out:
Isn’t this amazing?
Some of them also shared the pictures of their children helping them in the household tasks, have a look:
That’s so sweet!
It is adorable to watch kids do all this, right?
What do you think about this amazing way of upbringing? Share your views in the comments section below.