A 35-year-old man named Arvind lived in Pahadipur village in Kanpur with his wife Gomti Devi with two children and his mother Gulabi Devi. It was late night on Wednesday when, Arvind and his wife fell into a fight that resulted to his death.
Unbelievable, isn’t it? What can cause a furious wife to kill her husband over a fight?
According to the reports, Gomti wanted to visit her parents back home in Fatehpur and Arvind refused to grant permission. Furious Gomti bit Arvind on his neck, chest and stomach causing deep wounds which caused a lot of bleeding.
Worried with the noises coming from Arvind’s house, his neighbors knocked their door but Gomti did not allow them in. However, Arvind’s mother managed to make them alert of the accident and the neighbors found him numb in blood.
Arvind was rushed to the district hospital but unfortunately bled to death during treatment. The whole incident came to light when his mother filed an F.I.R. against daughter-in-law at the district police station on Thursday. The Police has booked her for murder under section 304 (Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of IPC.
Sickening, isn’t it? How can something so small make a lady go to the extent of killing her husband. Share your view in the comment section below.