Ever since humans came into existence, they kept coming up with their own theories to prove nature’s very own supreme facts. They labelled their own curiosity with a word called ‘Science’. Any and almost every theorem which could prove a fact has always been getting tagged as a matter of science. Proud of their own achievement of developing science to what it is today, we humans now discard anything to be real if its not proven by science. However, nature still keeps proving that it came first and will always remain above human kind. Nature with its many wonders kept defeating science every now and then. Here are seven such natural wonders which defy science and proudly stand as a monument beyond human understanding.
1. The Synchronous Fireflies
Lets start our list with one of the most beautiful wonders of nature. The lightning bugs found mostly in the eastern part of Northern America emit beautifully coloured lights during a specified time period. They’ve become a matter of interest for tourists and scientists alike. Tourists watch it with an aww and scientists watch it with curiosity. These little wonders have an ability to synchronise their blinking. How they do it still remains a mystery for science.
2. Naga Fireballs
You must have heard of fireballs falling from the sky but have you ever imagined them rising from a sea? Yes you read that right! In both Thailand and Laos, thousands of glowing red orbs rise from the famous Mekong River. These fireballs rise a few hundred meters up before disappearing in thin air! Its a phenomena which not just defies science but also our imagination.
3. The Silent Zone
Known for its utter silence, the desert area Outside Durango, Mexico called the Mapimi Silent Zone remains an unsolved mystery. This zone is known to have an ability to block all radio signals. It is also known to pull space science objects like Apollo boosers, test miles, and meteorites. This zone however keeps shifting its boundaries which makes it even more difficult for scientists to arrive at any conclusion.
4. The Singing Whales
Humpback whales are more notably known for their ability to sing or create regular patterns of sound which are closely similar to human music. They don’t just sing but they even teach others to sing. It was considered as a mating ritual but was eventually debunked which makes the phenomena yet again defy science.
5. Birds’ Own GPS
We all know how well and how far can small birds migrate. Many species of birds migrate to and from the same area every year. Like we humans, they don’t have any aid of a compass or a map. Then how exactly do they find where are they actually supposed to go? How do they navigate themselves? Researchers have tried their hearts out to find the answers but none could satisfy human curiosity satisfactorily. The most they could come up with was that the birds used orientation tools like the positioning of stars and sun. In the end they’re all assumptions as none could answer the simple fact, where do they get all that knowledge or sense of navigation from? Their own GPS system? Well, Maybe then!
6. The Krishna Butter Ball
Named after Lord Krishna’s butter-love, this 250-tonne rock has been proudly resting in Mahabalipuram, India and has been defying gravity ever since. It is a 20-feet-high and 5-meter-wide stone which glues itself to the ground defying all logic of balancing against gravity. The land on which it rests is not a pit or a flat ground either, it is instead a slippery slope of a hill. In 1908, the Governor of Madras brought seven fully fit elephants to move the rock from its place but the rock did not move even an inch away. Science is very less likely to answer how a 250-tonne rock can rest on a less than 4-feet base. All that it could do is just stand aside and label it a miracle!
7. The Hum
Talk about scientific mysteries and you can’t just miss out on this one! The Hum or Hums is a phenomena wherein a humming sound is audible only to a few selected group of people. Statistically only a 2% of world’s total population is among the ones who can hear a hum. Scientists have mostly ignored this phenomena but did not decline it. They credit it to various reasons ranging from stress to low frequency sound emissions. Science however even failed to find out whether its a single phenomena or a number of them clubbed together. This Hum has simply outsmarted science as it has become more of a regular occurance and that too at different parts of our world.
Science can only indulge a sense of belief to satisfy human curiosity. The list of such wonders has much more to it including the Earthquake Lightning, Bigfoot, Animal Rains and of course the Bermuda Triangle. Science has never been greater than nature and arguably can never be. Many such other beautiful, mysterious or even dark treasures remain hidden inside our nature which science has failed to unearth. I sometimes wish to ask scientists why taste of a mother’s food beats the rest of the world but then realize they’ve already got too much to figure out!