We all just loved the fantasy adventure series Son Pari that started in the year 2000. Most of us were kids then, and so was this cute little guy Aditya Surte.
His screen name was Appy and played the character of the protagonist Frooti’s younger brother. You won’t believe that he has turned into a handsome guy, who is currently working as a Chartered Accountant in Mumbai.
He looks like this now
With his mom and dad
With his sister
But you will be shocked to know that the guy has been already booked by a young lady. According to his Instagram handle, he is engaged to Hetal Varia, a voice coach and performer.
Take a look at his beautiful engagement pictures
Don’t they look adorable together?
Apart from being Chartered Accountant, he is a passionate photographer and loves dogs. Check these pictures snapped by him.
His cute pet dogs
Photography as another passion
Through his lenses
Isn’t he turned into a hottie? Time does fly and it’s always fun to see our favorite child actors all grown up. Share your views with us in the comments section below.