Deepika Padukone is undoubtedly one of the best actresses we have in Bollywood today. She’s always been setting a benchmark with her fabulous onscreen performances as well as off-screen style statement. But this time she seems to have adopted just the wrong fashion sense. In her recent public appearance Deepika has left us all speechless with her antic sense of style.
After boyfriend Ranveer’s pink shoes Deepika’s next to leave us dumbstruck! Yes, that’s right. It is eerie to see the diva dressed in that attire. Well, am sure you all want to look at how DP blunders with an outfit like this one, but first let’s begin with her makeup and hair:
Such an overdo of her make up, right? And what’s with the hair? Have a closer look at that:
Indeed, a flop at that one! She can do much better than this, isn’t it?
Now let’s check out some of her floundering outfit, here you go:
OMG!! That’s so not her stlye, right people?
This is surely one hell of an experiment! Ranveer seems to have influenced Deepika for such an attempt. All we would suggest is, Deeps please stick to your ever so amazing fashion sense. Don’t you guys agree?? Share your views in the comments below.