Six months before, on 2nd March 2016, The Bombay High Court pointed out that the Bharatiya Janta Party has illegally extended their Nariman Point’s office on a recreational place. The Bombay High Court has asked the BMC to demolish the extended part of the office.
Next day BJP confirmed,
“They are willing to reduce the size of the structure of its office in next six months.”
As per official statement by BJP on 3rd March, it’s already been more than 6 months and no action has been taken by them till now!
Are they assuming, “Raat Gayi, Baat Gayi???”
Details of illegal construction
BJP was given space of 1200 sq. ft. office in 1989. But then they started increasing the office space gradually by occupying the area near Nehru Garden and now their office has space of 9700 sq. ft.
The Nariman Point Churchgate Citizens Welfare Trust had filed a case against the illegal construction done by BJP. The Trust further said,
“The area near Nehru Garden was a recreational space. It is used for the commercial purpose, not just by the Bhartiya Janta Party but also by other parties like Janata Dal. Even other political parties were illegally intruding. There are few open spaces in Mumbai and it is becoming a concrete jungle. It is the necessity of the hour to preserve open spaces and recreational grounds.”
What do you think about this? Why BJP is not respecting court orders and demolishing the illegal construction? Just because they are a ruling party, are they suppose to ill-treat the neighborhood instead of offering them an ace service?
Share your views with us by commenting in the comments section below.
News Source:- DNA