There is a new twist in Kapil Sharma’s scam. The BMC has affixed a notice outside the comedian’s office asking him to reveal the name of the corrupt officer asking for the bribe. A protest has been held by MNS activists outside his place.
Well if you don’t know the issue let us once again brief you with the same! What happened was that Kapil wanted an approval for his office in Mumbai, but officials demanded bribe of whopping 5 lakhs to get his approval sanctioned. Being frustrated due to this, Kapil left a series of tweets and also tagged Modiji, asking him the status of “Achhe Din”. Here are his tweets;
5 lakhs bribe!
I am paying 15 cr income tax from last 5 year n still i have to pay 5 lacs bribe to BMC office for making my office @narendramodi
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) September 9, 2016
Kaha hain aapke ‘Achhe Din’?
Yeh hain aapke achhe din ? @narendramodi
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) September 9, 2016
The Real Story
The BMC confirms that they had given notice against the illegal construction earlier on 26th July, but due to lack of response the illegal construction was demolished. The BMC has asked for a deep investigation into the allegations by Kapil Sharma.
Kapil’s scam has taken a new political form. On one side, Congress is supporting the actor, the other side BJP leader Ram Kadam has given him 24 hours to spill the beans. They have threatened that they would go on a strike outside Sharma’s house. Even Raj Thackeray’s MNS is against the allegations and is ready to go on a strike.
What do you think, What will happen next? Will Kapil Sharma come out and spill the beans within the given deadline.
Share your views in the comments section below.