Now a days we see many actors promoting movies of their close friends in Bollywood by posting promotional videos on social media. We’ve got you one such video going viral for all the right reasons. Actor Ajaz Khan’s upcoming film “LOVE DAY – Pyaar Ka Din” is a comedy drama scheduled to release on September 23.
It wasn’t until Ajaz posted this promotional video of his dear friend Rakhi Sawant that gave him just popularity he needed. For all we know of Rakhi, she has to give us one such ridiculous yet funny reason to showcase her actions and words. This time it’s her promotional video for Ajaz Khan. You’ll die laughing after listening to how she pronounces “Love Day” in this video, check this out:
Click here to watch this video directly on Facebook.
Hilarious as hell! Rakhi Sawant strikes again! Isn’t it guys???
Your surely going to broadcast this to everyone on your contact list! Poor Ajaz definitely didn’t want this for his film. Rakhi’s pronunciation of “Love Day” is the funniest thing on the internet today, don’t you agree?? Tell us your views on Rakhi’s Love Day Promotion in the comments below.