As per a recent study which suggests that the potentiality of candidate is accessed within five minutes of the interview through their body language. According to the survey conducted by CareerBuilder India, whether candidate is suitable for the job or not can be determined within 5 minutes owing to his eye contact with the interviewer.
“By minute 15, 91 per cent can make out if the candidate is eligible for the job,” the survey said.
The biggest mistake employers make during the interview is avoiding eye contact which is considered as wrong body language and bad posture, felt 70 percent of the employers.
The other Top mistakes were as follows: –
1. Playing with something on the table stood second by 45 percent voting it.
2. Failing to smile (44 per cent)
3. Having a weak handshake (44 per cent)
4. Fidgeting too much in their seat (35 per cent)
5. Crossing their arms over their chest (35 per cent)
6. Playing with their hair or touching their face (31 per cent)
7. Using too many hand gestures (31 per cent)
8. Having a handshake that is too strong (23 per cent)
The survey was conducted on over 400 employers. Indeed, maintaining a positive posture in interview is of utmost importance. Prospective candidates can take a cue from this.