The latest add film from this Indian Chinese Cuisine TVC of Ching’s Secret has become the most expensive ad film ever. Starring Raveer Singh and Tamannaah in Rohit Shetty Direction backed by YRF, Ranveer Ching Returns has gained over 6 million views on YouTube since its release on August 19.
The popularity of this five and half minute ad film is a clear indication of the commercial being appreciated by the masses at large.
This was about the numbers it gained but do we know the amount spent in the making of this ever so amazing advertisement??
A mind boggling amount of 75 crore was invested in this extravagant TVC. After the success of the original My Name Is Ranveer Ching the brand value of Chings Noodles had grown by 150 percent.
The idea was to attract the masses and this time to get great results from the south, that’s where Tamannaah plays the lead. The new addition has made it humongous and this time to with an action packed Rohit Shetty flavor to it. Brands like these know exactly how to utilize the actors and their talent for the purpose of marketing their products.
If you have not seen this ad yet then you can watch it here:-
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