There is absolutely no denying the fact that we live in a modern era and modern generation doesn’t accept anything and everything until it is given a reason to do. Yes, believe or not, it’s true to the core! Present generation doesn’t follow anything blindly and puts up a number of questions before following a certain custom or tradition.
One of the customs is ringing a bell in temples before praying. If you have ever been to any temple, you must be familiar of it. So have you ever thought why do we ring a bell in temples before offering our prayers?
Well, there are scientific reasons behind it!
1. The temple bell is made of 7 metals, its sound travels in the air for 7 seconds which touches our body’s 7 healing centres or chakras. What’s more, bell’s sound also unifies right and left brains and you move to a state of trance which helps in immersing completely in prayer.
2. It helps in the elimination of negative energy and deflects evil forces prior to worship.
3. It’s a popular belief that disciples ring the temple bell for inviting God so that He accepts our Prasad and Pooja.
4. The sound of “OM” comes out when the temple bell is rung. Since “OM” is the universal sound, it includes each and every sound of the universe.
5. Its sound is like a sacred alarm clock which awakens people, transporting them to the state of consciousness.
Did you know it?
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