The popular show “Baa Bahoo Aur Baby” appeared on TV in 2005 and entertained viewers for 5 yrs successfully. There is absolutely no denying the fact that it was one of the most watched and loved serials of that time and every single character with unique characteristics won our hearts!
One of these characters was a naughty and cute little girl Swini Khara aka Chaitali, probably the most intelligent character despite being one of the youngest actors. You might be surprised to know that talented Swini was just 7 when she portrayed Chaitali.
Besides “Baa Bahoo Aur Baby”, this bubbly girl was seen in many movies including Amitabh Bachchan’s Cheeni Kum, Hari Puttar, Parineeta, Paathshala, Delhi Safari, Elaan, Siyasat, Chingaari and Kaalo – The Desert Witch along with a Hollywood film named After The Wedding.
She has been away from the screen for a long time and has grown up in all these years to a hot and pretty girl who is all set to grab your attention with sizzling looks!!
Take a look at few of her latest photos: