Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movie “Black” was a great attempt on the part of filmmaker, as it’s not at all easy to make a movie on such sensitive and complex issue. But what added to its brilliance was the great job done by the actors. The movie had some big actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Rani Mukerji but special mention needs to be given to the child artist Ayesha Kapur.
If you remember, Ayesha played the role of Michelle McNally, the physically challenged girl who grows up to be Rani Mukerji.
Undoubtedly, her performance was one of the best you can ever see in your lifetime!
That little girl of “Black” has grown up into a beautiful lady!
She was widely acclaimed for the flawless portrayal of Michelle’s character.
Her looks can make anyone go crazy for her!
The 21-yr girl is all set to make a comeback in the industry with a bang!
She’s offered lead role in “Paani” which is the dream venture of Shekhar Kapoor.
In the movie, she’ll be seen opposite Sushant Singh Rajput.
Yash Raj Films has signed her too!
She also won a National Award for her breathtaking acting skills.
She also has a famous accessory label which goes by her name and is known as Ayesha Accessories.
Can’t wait to watch her again on the big screen!!
Source: Google Images