Everyday, we have some or the other headline, narrating crimes in a particular area! What do we do? We read it, react on it for a minute and then turn over the newspaper page. However, what is your duty as a citizen? Well, as a citizen, you should have awareness of these crimes! You should keep a watchful eye on these, as it can anytime happen to you or your dear ones, isn’t it? There are some illegal crimes in the country, which people are not even aware of! Many of us know that it is illegal to ‘steal’, ‘rape’ or ‘murder’. But what about those crimes which fall under the definition of ‘illegal’ but aren’t known yet?
Below is the list of 9 illegal events which every Indian should know:
1. To All The Depressed Ones
2. Romancing On The Stage
3. Picking Up More Than 10 Rupees
4. Women Workers
5. Spittons For The Workers
6. Roadside Vendors
7. Kite Fly
8. Prostitution
9. Smoking
What are your views on the above list. Which things you already knew? Do let us know in the Comments section down below.