People around us always find some way to interact with us. In order to talk, they eventually end up asking us the most stupid questions that may irritate us to our nerves. I am pretty sure you might have come across such ludicrous questions. Let’s see the 10 most often asked stupid questions:
1. You are standing in a crowded bus and someone steps over your foot and asks,”Sorry! Did that hurt?”
2. Someone calls at your landline and asks, “So, are you at home now?”
3. You are watching a movie at a theater and you run into your friends or relatives and they ask, “Hey! What are you doing here?”
4. Your hair looks shorter than before and when met by friends, “Did you get a haircut?”
5. You are smoking, when a stranger asks you, “So, you smoke, right?”
6. You are woken up by a call on your phone at midnight and the person on other end asks, “Sorry! Were you sleeping?”
7. You reach your home after a long tiring day and whoever opens the gate asks, “Have you come?”
8. You are at your family get together and your distant aunt comes to you and say, “Oh my God!! You have grown so big, haven’t you?”
9. Your dentist is pointing sharp tools in your mouth and to add to your misery, the dentist asks,”Does that hurt??”
There are so many similar questions that we face in our everyday lives. And, often these are the reactions that we wish to give but we act out so humbly. By the way, if you remember any more, do mention them in the comments.