Ghosts are something that can give chills anytime and anywhere. According to different religion and legends, spirits are different according to different beleif. Generally, dead bodies that are cremated or buried turn into ghost, if they live a unsatisfactory life. Apart from the fact they are really scary, here we brought you some list about ghost.
1. Spirits have a profound sense of smell and they are often attracted to certain scents.

2. It is said, spirits that haunt want your attention.

3. Most of the time, spirits can be protective to the families they haunt.

4. Ghosts, evil spirits and ghosts that belong to hell often are empowered with evil spirit.

5. Spirits are always mischievous but they often cause troubles when you are bored.

6. Spirits are more active at night because of less electronic disturbance, they are able to produce more energy and have control on a particular object. In the same sense, you are more likely to experience ghostly disturbances when your house is quiet.

7. Reports say, children and animals are more likely to see a ghost while some children perceive, ghost as their imaginary friends.

8. Spirits can communicate in different ways where most common and scientific way of communication is through noise.

9. Recent research says that, 87 percent of Chinese office workers believe in ghost and maximum out of them have experienced ghost.
