There are many perks along with disadvantage of being an older sibling. Being an older sibling might lead you with a shoulder ful of responsibilities but one can never forget the perks of having seniority and commanding your younger siblings. The privilege of having that position is unforgettable. In that regards we summed up some common things you as an older sibling might have said to the younger one.
1. Bring Me A Glass Of Water
2. Give Me The Remote
3. You are Adopted, in other words Mom Picked You From A Dustbin
4. No One Loves You
5. MOM LOVES ME MORE than She Loves You
6. All Your Friends Are Stupid
7. I’m Always Right, Don’t Argue With Your Older Brother/Sister.
8. Embarrassing your younger brother/sister in front of their friend.
What do you think about all the things which we mentioned above. Did we miss any. Let us know in the comments section below.