While you might be extremely happy that your besties have found their life partners, it is definitely not worth denying that you might feel awkward being the ONLY ONE left out in the group. It takes lot of tolerance and patience for staying single and sane. Given below are 8 things you will feel when all besties have found their boyfriends
1.You will have to discuss in advance the day you wish to meet up your Bestie
2.You will no more get a chance of spending ladies night out
3.Suddenly, your friends would show enthusiasm to find a Boyfriend for you
4.People would constantly ask you if you are comfortable roaming around with couples
5.You will wait to watch a movie with them and later on realize that they have already watched the movie
6.While you are out together for dinner, the waiter will wait till the Boyfriends arrive
7.You will get to make loads of new friends
8.With so many couples around you, you would start wondering if something is wrong being single
Obviously there are advantages of being single but still there are its own advantages as well.
SO, what do you guys prefer? Staying Single or ready to Mingle…