The world is round and earth is a big place, where you will encounter the most weird and strange place, you could ever imagine. Some are dangerous, some are thrilling but one thing is for sure, they will leave you with goosebumps and more deep thoughts about how they occurred and what is the purpose of their existence. Here are such 8 different and strange places on earth.
1. Southern Pole of Inaccessibility – Antarctica
2. Derweze – The Door to Hell – Turkmenistan
3. The Principality of Sealand – English Channel
4. Bouvet Island – South Atlantic Ocean
5. Bir Tawil – Egyptian-Sudanese border
6. The Zilov Gap – Central Siberia
7. Mount Thor – Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
8. Mir Mine – Mirney, Siberia
All places are so different yet so thrilling, which one you would like to visit?