Since the time Yogi Adityanath has been elected as the CM of UP, a lot is being said about him. He’s quite controversial and this is the reason why opposition leaders, journalists and people are opposing his win. Some claim that Yogi is anti-Muslim, owing to his speeches that went viral on social media; people fear that the minority population in UP might be forced to leave.
His words have been provocative and he is always surrounded by some or the other controversy. The priest politician said that he will work hard to fulfill all the promises made by BJP. However, you need to know some facts about him;
1. Yogi Adityanath was the youngest member of the 12th Lok Sabha legislature; since 1998, he has been winning from the Gorakhpur constituency consistently.
2. He was born on 5th of June, 1972 and his real name is “Ajay Mohan Bisht” but he changed it after denouncing all worldly pleasures i.e. after becoming a sanyasi.
3. Talking about his graduation, Yogi Adityanath completed his B.Sc. from Srinagar’s HNB Garhwal University. His oratory skills are too good. Apart from Hindutva, he speaks about many issues in the Parliament.
4. Although he has been an important member of BJP, his relation with the party wasn’t that good for almost 10 years. In 2007 UP elections, there was a conflict between Adityanath and BJP, but it was RSS’s intervention that settled things.
5. 11 criminal cases have been registered against Yogi Adityanath and these include attempt to murder, promoting enmity between religions, trespassing on burial places, endangering life or personal safety, carrying deadly weapons and rioting.
6. He founded the Hindu Yuva Vahini, a nationalist, cultural and social group consisting of Dalit Hindus; the group has gained a lot of popularity in UP.
7. In 2014, Yogi Adityanath was Gorakhnath temple’s (Gorakhpur, UP) head priest.
8. In 2005, Yogi Adityanath conducted a purification drive. The main aim was converting Christians to Hinduism.
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