As per unconfirmed reports, 7 fashion models in Iran have been taken into custody in January and the reason might come to many as a great surprise cum shock. Of these, 6 were female models who posted their pics on Instagram without wearing hijab and this was the only crime they committed. (Heights…. Really?) They are Elnaz Golrokh, Donya Moghadam, Melikaa Zamani, Shabnam Molavi, Hamid Fadaei, Niloofar Behboudi and Dana Nik.
On 2nd February, it was reported that several other models were detained; however, nothing was said with confirmation in this regard. Even family and officials have not made any statement with regard to this arrest. Hamid Fadaei and Elnaz Golrokh among these 7 models are a married couple and had allegedly been set free few days back as well as fled Iran on 30th January.
Here are the models allegedly arrested in Iran:
1. Dana Nik
2. Donya Moghadam
3. Hamid Fadaei
4. Shabnam Molavi
5. Elnaz Golrokh
6. Niloofar Behboudi
7. Melikaa Zamani
Surely it’s the time when people should think how intolerant India actually is? Do let us know your views in this connection in the comments section below.