So what is your latest style statement? Is it your new Skinny Jeans or a pair of formal pants that have all covered up your genitals in the name of ‘Style’? Are you aware that these clothing items may probably kill you some day! Read more to know:
1.Skinny Jeans might kill you with Nerve Damage!
Yes! You have heard it right. Doctors suggest that if tight pants such or a pair of skinny jeans is worn, your lateral femoral cutaneous nerve would be DAMAGED. So now, if you gotta wear skinny jeans, you must first remember that it would damage your nerve that deals with sensations like pain and touch.
2.Facial piercings would damage your brain
Are you interested in getting your eyebrow, nose or lip pierced? Well, if you do so, you are just messing up with your brain. Scientists have suspected that with facial piercings, facial trigeminal nerve is damaged. This nerve is the one that connects the neural center with physical sensations on the face. So now if the trigeminal nerve is damaged, you are surely MESSING YOUR BRAIN UP.
3.Discounted jewelry is Toxic
You must have seen cheap necklaces and tacky rings being sold in small stalls in your local market. If you wish to plan a surprise for your daughter or your wife and if you purchase this jewelry, you are POISONING them. It is said that cadmium, a Toxic metal goes into the making of discount jewelry. It has been linked with cancer, liver disease, bone disease or kidney disease.
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4.Bras would Cause problems to Immune System and sleep
Yea! We all love bras for various reasons. However, do you know that if you wear it overnight, it would mess up your immune system and sleep? You heard it right; wearing a bra reduces melatonin levels, which then interferes with the immune system and sleep. Moreover, that poky wire wouldn’t allow you to sleep comfortably.
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5.Neckties Might make you BLIND
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The suit-tie look is becoming a fashion trend among men, just like it was in the 60s. But wait! Do you know that neckties can make you BLIND? Yes, they do. As per a study it is said that if neckties are tied with uncomfortable pressure levels, they can put you at a risk of Glaucoma, which can further lead to permanent blindness.