Art of sculpting is one of the most recognized talents and not everyone is blessed with it. But at the same time, we have so many brilliant sculpture artists who create masterpieces that are viewed and admired by millions. You might have seen a number of sculptures so far; however, mentioned below ones are just awesome and some of the best sculptures of the world. Relating to nature, snow, sand, fruits etc., they will capture your attention and interest the moment you’ll throw a quick glance at them!! Here they are:
1. Rest in the lap of nature
2. Roots of tree hanging in air- Unbelievable
3. What an idea!!
4. A Comfortable Place to Sit
5. Awesome Sand Sculpture
6. Badass Ice Sculpture
7. Butt Wait
8. Tree Peeping Out
9. Cinderellas Carriage, Minneapolis Ice Festival, Minnesota; What’s amazing is that these are done from Ice Blocks
10. Don’t stay too long in one place
11. Drawn On A Flat Surface!
12. The Most Beautiful Peacock Seen Ever
13. Figurative Sand Sculptures by Carl Jara
14. Grass Sculpture ♥
15. Mermaid Ice Sculpture
16. Snow Bunny
17. Snow Man or Spirit Of The Forest?
18. Snow Sculpture
19. Standing Stones…..
20. Succulents grown into the shape of a Chameleon
21. Sweet Love ♥
22. The Mother Earth
23. The Wicked Witch on the tree – Paul Nixon’s art
24. Tree faerie….
25. Wire Sculptures by Derek Kinzett
Aren’t they awesome and attention-grabbing? How did you find these sculptors? Share your views with us in your comments!