Jab main chota baccha tha..badi sharat karta tha! You may have troubled your parents as a kid. But Karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around. Its time to start praying that your kids don’t repeat any of these acts.
1. Pick your nose. Common you did too!!
2. Make excused for not going to school on Monday!
And you still do that with your boss!
3. Correct Your parent’s grammar
Watch out for the grammar police you are bringing up!
4. Sign on behalf of your parents on the school dairy when “Miss” gave you a bad note. Wait till they catch you!
Sometimes even ask your parents to sign your report card in the dark?
5. Talk unabashedly about everyone’s you-know-what body parts
6. Get attracted to your school teacher..peak-a-boo?
7. Took a puff from your dad’s half burnt ciggi..Don’t deny it!
8. Tried to keep up with the adult talk
Always curious to learn..wernt you?
9. Kissed your best friend and decided you will get married or maybe are already married!
10. Pick up slangs at the drop of a hat!
11. Act like Mr or Ms. Know-it All
12. You knew what you will become when you grow up- mostly either an actor or a model!
13. Now this is no crime right? But you still don’t want your kids to do it
14. Hate the Opposite sex! This is something you can be ok with as long as they grow out of it soon!
15. Always speak the truth!
16. Did not understand the concept of time!
” I want my pizza nowww!!
17. Burst of creativity can be heart rendering!
18. Eat favorite junk food till you fall asleep!
Throwing tantrums at public places!
19. Deep belief in super natural will make them do anything!
Hate parents for dressing you up their way!