11. The old habit of NEVER doing their homework and proudly announcing the same in the class.
12. Another habit of touching their hair once in a while for absolutely NO GOD DAMN REASON.
Uh! No, not EVERY guy looks THIS hot while doing the same.
13. And checking out themselves anywhere they can find their reflection.
14. Obviously all “Cool” boys are football fans. Duh!
15. If you have a girlfriend, then YOU ARE THE MAN!
16. Maal thi yaar: Checking out hot chicks and exchanging lame looks.
17. The lame handshakes, twist-shake, high five, punch-shake, faltu-shake and whatever.
18. Uploading EVERYTHING on social networking sites.
Get over it. You’re not a celebrity!
19. Doing stunts only to impress a girl
20. And last but not the least: #TheFitnessFreaks
#Gym #WorkOut #GymIsLife #IWorkOut #Hot #Sweaty #FeelingSoGood #ExhaustedButWillUploadAShirtlessSelfie #SelfieBeforeHoes #FaltuHashtag #AurFaltuHashtag #EkAurBakwaasHashtag #Hashtag #HashtagForTheSakeOfHashtag #LastWaalaHashtag
So, have you come across these sort of guys lately?
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