1. Pretending to be HUGE fans of automobiles and trying to be cool by showing off their “wiki-knowledge” of cars and bikes.
2. Thinking that saying words like-“SAXXXXXX” out loud will make them “cool”.
3. Being “Brand conscious” and thinking that only their dad’s can afford expensive stuff.
4. And judging the ones who aren’t pseudo-brand conscious.
5. Buying a DSLR and creating a photography page on Facebook or Instagram.
6. Taking the picture of every bulls**t that they lay their eyes on.
7. And of course, adding “FU*K” at the end of every to show they too can speak “Angrezi”.
8. BC Sutta: If you smoke, you are cool and if you don’t, you aren’t.
9. “Tu peeta nahi? Kesa Chu hai!” (Because Hey! Only cool people drink, okay?)
10. And “Broes Before Hoes”: A hashtag that should be mentioned in every picture they upload with their guy friends.
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