Bacche Mann Ke Sacche!! The person who wrote the lyrics of this particular songs had no idea what Kids truly are!! What in reality goes in their Mind and Heart 😛
Ever wondered why a kid starts crying when he sees a girl in front of him?? or make innocent faces looking at her?? Its a trick. They are smart players!! They know that if they do that they can grab the attention of those girls in front of him & the girl falling for that cuteness comes near him, pull his cheeks, pick him in their arms & even kiss him!!
With their cute little Eyes & chubby cheeks they lure adults especially women to love them and make them fall for their Innocence. The wicked and naughty thought behind their cute smiles has a different story. THEY ARE EVIL!! trust me THEY ARE EVIL!!
You Don’t believe me?
Look at these 18 Perfectly Timed pictures which at the end will make you believe that Kids are no where Innocent and it will change the way you see them 😛 BEWARE! is all i can say..
1. yeah I Love Them!!
2. Caught Red Handed!!
Source: iwebstreet
3. F**K Pictures I see Something More Interesting
4. I Love B***s! BIKES -_-
5. Look At That Smile!
6. Oh My My!!
7. They Said I Can Grab Anything!!
8. That’s Not Real My Friend!!
9. Ooo That Is So Big.. I Mean The Letters!
10. Nice!
Source: FunAlso
11. Oops Sorry May Be I’m Drunk!
12. When Nobody Is At Home!!
Source: DesiValley
13. Deep!!
14. What? Seriously?
15. F**K Photo Again!!
16. Those Eyes!!
17. Wicked Laugh!!
Other Image Source: Imgur
So all of you who didn’t believe me in the beginning must have started to believe me now. After Watching these images all I have to say is Hum Bhi Agar Bacche Hote Naam Humara Hota Gabluu Babluu KHANE KO MILTE LADDOO 😛