There are a lot of facts about death that people don’t know. Let us see how many of these facts you know about the same.
1. Within three days of your death, your digestive enzymes begin to eat your body.
2. When a person dies, his sense of hearing is the last one to go. It means even after a person is dead, he/she can hear stuff.
3. In the U.S, every hour one person is killed by some drunk driver.
4. Every year, 7,000 people die because of doctor’s handwriting.
5. It might shock you to know that there are 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest which act as landmarks on its way to the top.
6. 35 millions of our cells die every minute.
7. A total of 100 billion people have died in the human history.
8. Obese drivers are 78% likely to die in a car crash than a normal person.
9. Every year, 600 Americans die from falling out of their beds.
10. You never die of Old age but due to the diseases brought on by old age.
11. People who write with their left hand die three years earlier than the right handed ones.
12. While every 40 seconds, a person commits suicide; every 90 seconds, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.
13. In India, a woman dies every hour because of dowry related crimes.
14. When a man is hanged, he gets a death erect*** which is known as rigor erectus.