Sunday, February 2, 2025

16 Shocking Facts About Water That Will Change Your View Towards H2O

It is water and water everywhere! Due to regular and adequate supply of water we never thought our lives without it. However, year after year the world is falling short on water and various studies suggested that soon a year will come where people will have to face the scarcity of water not only in India, but throughout the world. Today we have brought you a post stating few shocking facts about water.

1. On an average, it takes more than 11,000 liters of water to produce a pound of coffee and the major volume of water required to produce coffee comes from rainwater.




2. 92% of waste water from the developing countries is discharged into rivers or streams which lead to water pollution.



3. Did you know that 443 million school days are lost each year due to water related illness?



4. It takes upto 5000 liters of water to produce 1 kg of rice and 13 gallons of water to make a cheese slice.



5. Normally there is 18 liter water cans available and surprisingly it weighs upto 20 kilos.