Pranab Mukherjee President of India, recently inaugurated the annual “Udyanotsov-2015” where the common people can enjoy the Beautiful Mughal Gardens.
But what caught eyes of the Social Media are the Different poses he came up with during the photo shoot.
Have a look at these 16 Photoshopped Images that prove the Mr.President Rules the Internet!!
1. Look!! Who Is The New Principal Of The School!!!
2. He Truly Is A Cricket Fan!!
3. When He Recently Visited Charminar!!
4. Yeh Mera Desh Hai!! Aur Main Yahaa Ka Rashtrapati!!
5. Pranab Da In Paris!!
6. See As Said Earlier He Loves Cricket!!
7. He Shows Some Interest In WWE Too!!
8.Yeah!! #WeWontGiveItBack!!
9. Baai Udhar Thoda Kachra Hai!!
10. Like A BOSS!!
11. Friends On A Ride!!
12. Play It My Way Baby!!
13. He Loves Big Bikes!!
14. Just Let It Goooo..
15. He Loves Fish!!