In recent past lot of Videshi Brands have entered the Indian market. Revenue of these companies have increased twofold after their entrance to Indian market as potential of growth is huge. If these companies are not Indians but getting huge share of profit from Indian market then why can’t they have Desi taglines. We Indians loved being Desi and we want these companies to use Desi taglines. We know this isn’t possible, they will still use their western cultured tag lines.
Cartoonist Mayank Patel has come up with an amazing idea of representing these Videshi companies with Desi taglines. Just have a look at these Desi tag lines, you will ROFL after seeing these tag lines:-
1. Youtube
2. Facebook
3. Audi
4. Pepsi
5. Lays
6. Vodafone
7. Colgate
8. Samsung
9. Microsoft
10. OLX
11. Fair & Lovely
12. Lifebuoy
13. Volkswagen
14. Nike
15. Dove
Let us know which one was the most funniest of all. If you have any alternative tag line for these Videshi companies then do mention in comments section below ;). We would love to see your creativity of creating Desi tag lines 😛