Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality—that one event causes another without any natural process linking the two events—such as astrology, religion, omens, witchcraft, and prophecies, that contradicts natural science.
Don’t know why .. But People living in 21st Century also follow Such Kinds of Beliefs and Faith.. Here are 15 Superstitions Of the People Across the WORLD..
People in Spain consider Tuesday , The 13th very Unlucky , They Consider Tuesday as Martes which means ” Little Evil ” In Middle ages of spanish history.
In India People Say , We should not cut our nails on Thursday or Saturday . . As it invites evil spirit…
In Turkey people believe in not eating Bubble Gum at Night .. They Say it Means Rotting Dead Flesh… , Like how what is the Logic Behind this ?
In Bulgaria People say it is Good Luck to Have Bird Poop Fallen on you … when you are leaving for somewhere..
In Russia , they is it is not good to carry empty bucket or even see an person carrying an empty anywhere .. they have belief that it is a bad omen.. They Started believing in this since The Tsar Alexander II was killed by an Man with an empty bucket..
Egyptians consider OWL as very unlucky … they say that owl is an messenger of evil.. Owl always carry bad news with them which is not good..
Chineese People Consider Number 4 as very unlucky and they say that this Number when Pronounced sounds very close to word death…They believe in this so much that .. Some buildings in China Don’t have 4th floor in them..
Koreans Believe in Keeping a Red Wallet with them , as it has power to bring money more effortlessly… they say.
9. Philippines
In Phillippines , They have many Superstitions which are .. very strictly followed by everyone .. It Includes.. Not Sweeping at Night , Not Letting Your Wallet or Purse to Fall on the Ground , Always keeping some coins in your pocket and you should not spend them they are good luck for you they say..
In Nepal, People believe that if a woman’s left eye is twitching , it’s good luck, but if a man’s right eye is twitching , it’s a bad luck.
In Rwanda , Women are preferred not to eat Meat of Goat , as it will grow facial hairs to them.. what men call them as Beard..
In Senegal , People say that you should not reveal your travel plans to anyone not even with your neighbors as they believe that telling about your travel plans to anyone will ruin the plan at the end.. , SO If you want to Have a good trip somewhere ..
Malaysians say that you should never sit on the pillow , and if you do so .. you back is set to be covered with Boils and Sores.. What kind of Superstitions is this ?
In France it is believed to be good if you step in Dog Poop with your left foot but it is considered to be bad luck if you step in with your right foot…
15. United States Of America
People in United States use to first built their house with Slanted Windows in their Houses or Farmhouses.. as it is said that evil cant enter through the slanted windows..