A phobia is typically defined as an abnormal, irrational and extreme fear of something or a situation that it is actually not dangerous or harmful. These are the 12 strangest phobias you could have.
1. Nomophobia – Fear of being without mobile phone coverage
2. Deipnophobia – Fear of Dinner parties or large meal
3. Pentheraphobia – Fear of mother-in-laws
4. Anuptaphobia – Fear of being single
5. Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful women
6. Sciaphobia – Fear of shadows
7. Turophobia – Fear of cheese
8. Ablutophobia – Fear to taking a bath or cleaning yourself
9. Chaetophobia – Fear of hair
11. Anthophobia – Fear of flowers
12. Phobophobia – Fear of phobias
Images Source : Google Images
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